Saturday, October 3, 2009

Toshiba 32HL67U A pleasent surprise..

Shopping over at Best Buy for a HDTV a few days ago, I decided to give this REGZA a shot. The picture quality compared favorably to the Sharp and Samsung that I was looking at. Plus, it was under $1000 unlike the other two, so why not?

Once I set it up and got a good look at it, it exceeded my expectations.

First of all, this thing's got three HDMI inputs. I always thought that TVs of this size only had two at most. That's pretty damn generous of Toshiba. I mean, it ain't like I'm gonna be able to use them all, but it's still nice to have them.

Second, when I hooked it up to the cable and had it scan for channels, I found that it was able to receive the unencrypted digital channels without a cable box. I sure don't remember my old 23 inch Samsung HDTV being able to do that. Sure, I'm primarily gonna use this TV to play video games, but as with the three HDMI inputs, it's just nice to have them.

Third, when I hooked up my PS3 and Xbox360, I found that I was able to set the picture size to 'native'. Now this was a big deal to me, as my previous sets would normally cut off the top and bottom of the picture. This means that when I played certain games and viewed my pictures, some of the text would get cut off, and that annoyed me to no end. But thanks to the 'native' setting, I was able to see the full picture. I was absolutely overjoyed.

All in all, I am completely satisfied with this purchase. Great features, a beautiful HD picture, a very reasonable price, and a sleek looking design make this set the best HDTV I've bought so far. Only real complaint is that this model won't accept a 1080p signal through component cables, but only through HDMI. Kinda disappointing, but since I can't really see a difference between my Xbox360 in 1080i and my PS3 in 1080p, I'm sure that I can live with that.

I won't hesitate to buy another Toshiba HDTV from now on.

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